Greenville Facility

Greenville Facility

Greenville Facility

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Romer’s Greenville location was purchased in April 2005 and is located in historical Greenville.  This facility is nestled in a downtown area that is surrounded with quaint specialty shops.  Options for overnight accommodations include everything from two bed and breakfasts to several national chains with swimming pools.

Now, choose which room that best suits your needs for your event by clicking one of the two links below.

Greenville Facility Ballroom

Greenville Ballroom Quick Facts:

  • 500 seating for wedding
  • Dance floor
  • Raised stage
  • Foyer to allow for “grand entrance” into hall

Greenville Party Room Quick Facts:

  • Seats 125
  • Natural lighting
  • Built-in bar

Customer Testimonials

  • “You were very accommodating.  The entire staff was wonderful.  They did an outstanding job without being obstructive of the guests.  It was truly our fairy tale day.  Thank you!” – Tony Grieshop reception
  • “Second family wedding at Greenville Romer’s.  The first wedding made the second an easy choice!  The staff was most excellent.” – Francis Szymanski